The automaker intends to convert around 200 showrooms to use green solutions by the financial year 2020 Japanese automaker, Mitsubishi Motors Corp. (MMC) and auto retailer, Kyushu Mitsubishi Motors Sales Co., Ltd. have recently launched a showroom that utilizes renewable energy for daily operations and can offer a stable supply of power to EVs in times of natural disaster. Sources close to the matter claim that the newly launched Futamatase DENDO Drive Station showroom in Kyushu, uses large capacity solar panels and storage battery unit to store clean energy. The power system's specification provides future reuse of PHEV and EV batteries, which can be integrated into the storage unit. The panels mounted at the Futamatase showroom efficiently generate 30kW of clean energy, equivalent to the showroom's standard energy consumption, while the battery unit stores 100kWh of energy, equivalent to 10 days of power usage in a typical household, cite sources. In addition to being able to supply PHEV and EVs with charging electricity, the use of a V2H*1 adapter, which allows the system to supply electricity to the showroom, uses a blend of power extracted from PHEV and EV batteries and energy generated by the solar panels. Sources cite that the project will gather valuable insights in 2019 to validate the use of the solar panel and battery unit capacities and help shape future DENDO Drive Stations. In addition to standard facilities, the DENDO Drive Station also features a presentation and demo room where visitors can learn and experience the use of EVs in diverse energy grids of future, and their value in times of unpredictable natural disaster. Reports claim that MMC, since opening its first DENDO Drive Station in 2016, has converted 56 showrooms in the region and expects to up this number to 200 by the financial year 2020. Moreover, the two parties aim to develop more efficient and disaster-proof energy grid by increasing the number of EVs and PHEVs on the road, cite reports.