5G is all set to be the future of connectivity. The technology will offer superior efficiency and performance that will enhance user experiences and link new industries. Owing to such advantages several telecom companies are now determined to debut their 5G connectivity so as to gain a competitive lead over rivals. One such advancement was done by Juniper Networks Inc, a leading provider of network products, when it recently announced the successful results of its initial phase of services migration from Telefónica UK's to the Telefónica UK Fusión Network, a completely new infrastructure. As per reports, Juniper has provided its strategic IP network to build the new Fusión Network. Moreover, both the companies have developed the Fusión Network to upgrade the user experience for residential, business and mobile services across the globe. Reportedly, this initiative was earlier employed by the Telefónica Group in different regions across the world, such as thelatest upgradein Spain to sustain the progression to 5G. Similarly, this venture with Telefónica UK integrates legacy networks into a new, single IP network which is more effective, automated and flexible, leading the way for the launch of Telefónica UK's 5G services. Speaking on the move,Brendan O'Reilly, Chief Technology Officer, Telefónica UK, said that the company plans for its5G rollout in October, leading a path towards creating a 5G economy in partnership with the British industry. Reportedly, prior to this move, Juniper had made headlines when it announced its partnership withPYXYA,a French-based service providerthat offers Contrail SD-WAN solution. Speaking in which,Marc del Fabbro, Chief Executive Officer, PYXYA, their company is adynamic, disruptive and young candidate in the cloud supplier market and it is confident that its venture with Juniper Networks will boost its way in the AI-driven Networks as a leading service solution that will rapidly change the French WAN market. Source Credit: https://newsroom.juniper.net/press-releases/juniper-networks-builds-secure-automated-and-cloud-enabled-network-infrastructure