The South Australian government has reportedly announced the official launch of its household battery storage subsidy scheme - the biggest in Australia. Reports cite, the scheme gives up to 40,000 South Australian households the ability to access low-interest finance as well as grants for both rooftop solar installations and battery storages. According to a report by PV Magazine - Australia, subsidies of up to $6000 would be made available to these households as part of the scheme. The amount to be granted would be decided upon the size of the system that is being installed by the homeowner. This means that if a South Australian household installs a 10kWh battery storage system then they would be granted a $5,000 - $6,000 subsidy. The $200 million subsidy scheme - half in the form of loans made available by Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) with the other half in the form of grants - fulfils a pre-election promise made by newly elected Steven Marshall government. However, the promised scheme has been heavily modified following a proposal of a similar scheme made by the then Labor government. The new scheme emphasizes on more connection between installations while focusing more on low-income housing. Party leader Steve Marshall reportedly highlighted the investment as well as the job benefits that would come to the region from the scheme. According to reports, German battery storage manufacturer Sonnen GmbH has been tasked with the assembling of batteries at an old GM car plant located in Elisabeth. It is due to start production in November and would be hiring some 400 individuals to help with the process. The Minister for Energy and Mining, South Australia, Dan van Holst Pellekaan stated that the scheme would be benefiting every South Australian as it would be adding to grid security. Pellekaan further added that it would result in lower electricity prices and reduce existing network demands as well. Reportedly, Sonnen batteries have already been made available, while other battery storage devices would be made available soon.